Pengorbanan itu menyakitkan
Pengorbanan itu menyeksakan
Pengorbanan itu membinasakan
Pengorbanan itu sia-sia
Even though we were being separated since ramadhan till Dec 19,
I never hate u..I care about u..I hope u were at home all the time.
3 weeks u are in Malaysia, I always plan something that can make u happy.
U said to me before that I will be ur driver, but then I'm currently working. No leave can be made for the interns. I did something bad just to make u happy. In returns, I got nothing. Just the 'ketakutan' covered my whole day and body. I can only bring u out at night or weekends only but u never want to understand me.
People makes mistakes. If I was rude to u don't take into heart. Confront me. I hate people talking behind my back.
Yesterday, I went back home at 6.30pm. I asked u and the others to accompany me to SACC but no one wants. I went to the bank alone, withdrew my allowance just to treat u and the others. I purposely bought u a slice of strawberry marshmallow cake and the others big apple's donuts but no one cares what i'm doing. I waited for almost 1 hour there just to get a fresh donuts. I went around all the shop lots alone. I hate walking here and there alone. End up, when I bring all the foods back home, nobody seems very interested. Disappointment covered my body again. My effort to make people happy worthless, priceless.
I sewed for u 2 baju kurungs but u seems not happy with that. U seems not going to bring back ur baju kurung. Sorry, I can't make a perfect baju kurung since I don't know how to sew the kain part.
Today is the holiday. I asked u for an outing at pyramid, but then u didn't said anything but u went to follow the other sister of yours to seri kembangan. Upset. I feel upset.
U said u don't wanna go to penang because u don't feel good. but u never thought of ur cousins that are waiting for u. u never thought of sending ur lil brother back to campus. at least he feels more spiritual to study hard. All u think is ur plan with ur other sister. Truly from my heart I wanna stay home too because I wanna be with u all but then, I don't feel it is a good idea because I will ruin all ur plans, so I decided to follow my parents to penang and see all my cousins. At least, i don't feel that terrible.
But somehow I feel great that u did this to me because I know I won't miss u that much when I send u back at the airport. I know tears won't fall down from my sepet eyes because I know I am just a black sheep in the family that always being left out by others.
Thanx for doing this to me. I love u so much even though u hated me.
Happy New Year everyone.
The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to the new beginnings.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
That old women really pissed me off!
I'm working today!!
I've been working for 4 days since 1 Dec.
Since the first day, I did filing.
Today also, I'm gonna do the filing but..
How about tomorrow?
Do I really have the chance to be like a Tax Assistant?
Oh by the way, I am a Vacation Trainee.
They call the interns as the VTs but not CHEAP LABOR!
It pissed me off.
We know we're being paid at the lowest cost.
We care about EXPERIENCE! not the ALLOWANCE!
Take note of that old lady!
I've been working for 4 days since 1 Dec.
Since the first day, I did filing.
Today also, I'm gonna do the filing but..
How about tomorrow?
Do I really have the chance to be like a Tax Assistant?
Oh by the way, I am a Vacation Trainee.
They call the interns as the VTs but not CHEAP LABOR!
It pissed me off.
We know we're being paid at the lowest cost.
We care about EXPERIENCE! not the ALLOWANCE!
Take note of that old lady!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Zaman silam terimbau kembali
Tepat jam 12.30 tengah hari pada 12/11/2010 tibanya aku di Kem PLKN Pelangi Hill Resort, Kerling..the best Kem PLKN in Selangor.
Masuk je dorm, teringat zaman sekolah dulu. Rindu tak terkira. Katil dan almari bersusun sederet. Lantai licin dan bersih. Same goes to their toilet.
Aku pasang cadar, dan tegangkan. Dalam dorm tu, cadar aku paling tegang. Tak kisah la nak turun pergi surau pun aku tegangkan jugak. Towel, aku tak sangkut kat luar almari yang macam orang lain buat.
Cakap pasal surau, sekali pun aku tak pernah solat dalam dorm. Tiap-tiap kali masuk waktu aku akan cuba datang awal. Benda ni aku tak pernah buat masa kat asrama. Sekarang baru terasa nak jadi budak baik. Haha. Aku sanggup bangun awal pagi semata-mata nak solat subuh berjemaah. Aku orang first bangun dalam dorm tu sementelah orang lain sibuk dibuai mimpi-mimpi indah mereka.
Novel tak dapat dipisahkan. Nasib aku bawak novel, kalau tak memang mati kutu la. Yang mana takde bahan bacaan, nota-nota dalam fail yang dapat dijadikan bahan bacaan. Itu pun apa benda sangatlah yang ada.
Kesimpulannya, duduk asrama ni memang memberi banyak pengajaran dan pengalaman termasuk yang pahit dan manis.
I miss SEPINTAR ='(
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Disini lahirnya sebuah cinta
Yang murni abadi sejati
Disini tersemai cita cita
Bercambah menjadi warisan
Andai ku terbuang tak diterima
Andai aku disingkirkan
Kemana harusku bawakan
Kemana harusku semaikan cinta ini
Dibumi ini ku melangkah
Ke utara selatan timur dan barat
Ku jejaki
Bukanlah seorang perwira
Gagah menghunus senjata
Namun hati rela berjuang
Walau dengan cara sendiri
Demi cinta ini
Ku ingin kotakan seribu janji
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Sepanjang kedewasaan ini
Ku ingin sampaikan pesanan
Aku lah penyambung warisan
Sejujurnya aku tidak pernah sesekali menghayati bait-bait lirik sesebuah lagu itu tetapi lagu Warisan oleh Allahyarham Sudirman yang penuh dengan mesej ini mampu membuatkan hatiku tersentuh.
Rangkap pertama menceritakan tentang tanah air kita yang tercinta dimana kita dilahirkan, tempat kita menimba ilmu, dan juga tempat kita mencari rezeki sehinggalah ke generasi akan datang.
Rangkap yang kedua pula mengisahkan tentang apa yang terjadi sekiranya negara kita sendiri dijajah oleh orang lain? Maka, hilanglah Melayu di tanah air, merempat kita di negara sendiri. Mahu kah kita melihat generasi kita dan yang akan datang seperti itu?
Rangkap ketiga pula tentang kehidupan kita di negara kita. Bebas melangkah kemana-mana.
Rangkap keempat boleh dihuraikan sebagai kita, bangsa Melayu era baru, berjuanglah mempertahankan tanah air kita dengan rela hati. Sanggupkah anda melihat tanah air kita diperkotak-katikkan? Lihat sahaja Lagu Negaraku Ku yang dinyanyikan oleh bangsa cina.
Rangkap yang terakhir, janganlah hanya duduk berdiam diri tanpa melakukan apa-apa. Kotakan lah janji kita supaya hidup kita dan generasi akan datang aman dan makmur.
Menghadiri program berkaitan kenegaraan tidak pernah memberikan ku kesan yang positif. Semuanya bagaikan mencurahkan air ke daun keladi. Program Destini Kenegaraan adalah program yang dapat memberi kesedaran yang mendalam tentang negara kita yang sedang diancam.
Teori R.A.H.M.A.N memang sangat menepati dimana ia menunjukkan 6 pemimpin-pemimpin kita di Malaysia semenjak kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957 hingga sekarang ini. Apakah pula nasib kita selepas tamatnya pemerintahan Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Siapakah pemimpin yang seterusnya?
Mungkinkah peristiwa pada tahun 1511 akan berulang sekali lagi pada tahun 2011?
Jagalah negara kita. Sayangkanlah negara kita sendiri kerana Melayu dan Bumiputera sekarang hanya bergantung kepada hak keistimewaan orang Melayu, agama Islam dan juga bahasa kebangsaan kita sendiri. Tanpa semua ini, hilanglah Melayu di tanah air sendiri.
Pesanan buat rakan-rakan yang sudah berumur lebih daripada 21 tahun, pergilah mendaftar sebagai pengundi dan undilah pemimpin anda sendiri kerana hak memilih ada pada tangan anda sendiri. Jangan marahkan orang lain jika pemerintahan jatuh pada tangan orang lain tetapi marahkan diri sendiri jika anda adalah salah seorang yang tidak menjalankan amanah yang diberi.
Semoga, sedikit sebanyak ini dapat membantu rakan-rakan menyedari bahawa pentingnya kita mempertahankan tanah air kita daripada dipegang oleh orang lain. Terima kasih.
Destini, BANGSAKU!!!
Rangkap pertama menceritakan tentang tanah air kita yang tercinta dimana kita dilahirkan, tempat kita menimba ilmu, dan juga tempat kita mencari rezeki sehinggalah ke generasi akan datang.
Rangkap yang kedua pula mengisahkan tentang apa yang terjadi sekiranya negara kita sendiri dijajah oleh orang lain? Maka, hilanglah Melayu di tanah air, merempat kita di negara sendiri. Mahu kah kita melihat generasi kita dan yang akan datang seperti itu?
Rangkap ketiga pula tentang kehidupan kita di negara kita. Bebas melangkah kemana-mana.
Rangkap keempat boleh dihuraikan sebagai kita, bangsa Melayu era baru, berjuanglah mempertahankan tanah air kita dengan rela hati. Sanggupkah anda melihat tanah air kita diperkotak-katikkan? Lihat sahaja Lagu Negaraku Ku yang dinyanyikan oleh bangsa cina.
Rangkap yang terakhir, janganlah hanya duduk berdiam diri tanpa melakukan apa-apa. Kotakan lah janji kita supaya hidup kita dan generasi akan datang aman dan makmur.
Menghadiri program berkaitan kenegaraan tidak pernah memberikan ku kesan yang positif. Semuanya bagaikan mencurahkan air ke daun keladi. Program Destini Kenegaraan adalah program yang dapat memberi kesedaran yang mendalam tentang negara kita yang sedang diancam.
Teori R.A.H.M.A.N memang sangat menepati dimana ia menunjukkan 6 pemimpin-pemimpin kita di Malaysia semenjak kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957 hingga sekarang ini. Apakah pula nasib kita selepas tamatnya pemerintahan Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Siapakah pemimpin yang seterusnya?
Mungkinkah peristiwa pada tahun 1511 akan berulang sekali lagi pada tahun 2011?
Jagalah negara kita. Sayangkanlah negara kita sendiri kerana Melayu dan Bumiputera sekarang hanya bergantung kepada hak keistimewaan orang Melayu, agama Islam dan juga bahasa kebangsaan kita sendiri. Tanpa semua ini, hilanglah Melayu di tanah air sendiri.
Pesanan buat rakan-rakan yang sudah berumur lebih daripada 21 tahun, pergilah mendaftar sebagai pengundi dan undilah pemimpin anda sendiri kerana hak memilih ada pada tangan anda sendiri. Jangan marahkan orang lain jika pemerintahan jatuh pada tangan orang lain tetapi marahkan diri sendiri jika anda adalah salah seorang yang tidak menjalankan amanah yang diberi.
Semoga, sedikit sebanyak ini dapat membantu rakan-rakan menyedari bahawa pentingnya kita mempertahankan tanah air kita daripada dipegang oleh orang lain. Terima kasih.
Destini, BANGSAKU!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I will write when I think I wanna talk
This few days..really makes me feel bad..
Straight after my last paper, I go to Penang and get back home at 1.00am.
Feel sorry for ayah because he drove from Melaka to Shah Alam and fetch me and straight to Penang and back to Shah Alam back. He spent half of his day in the car. Driving all the way from south to north. I offered him once, twice, thrice..badly, Ibu was there, she was very afraid if others drive the car. Maybe we will drive like teens always do.
Sunday..What did I do on Sunday? Perhaps tidying up the house..Oh, can't remember well.
Monday, got myself in my room watching Grey's Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother. Other than that? Oh, sleeping all day since my house was sparkled by the electric wire. No fan, no light, waiting for my uncle to come and repair.
Tuesday, having an appointment with the person in-charge for the Auditorium and meeting with the sponsors regarding conference hall, exhibition booth and also the dinner hall.
Wednesday, finished up with the backdrop and also poster for gala night since I was being asked to promote Gala Night. Owh, I can't find any caption that may attract people. I posted it in the group, and suddenly comment comes in. People commenting about my poster. I really didn't feel good at this time where I spent half of my days doing things that I wasn't supposed to do it, and suddenly people criticizing on my work. I am mad.
Today, my classmates are going to sit for their last paper at 9am, and I need to go to UiTM early in the morning just to settle all the unsettle things. Also having a meeting at 1pm and followed by my meeting after the grand meeting. Sorry friends, I'm not going to KLCC after the meeting.
Tomorrow, preparing myself for a camping at Kem PLKN Kerling. Its hard for me to keep away from camping because I love recreation things. I miss my school days. I wanna turn the time back so that I can be in my school back. I wanna go camping and have fun all the time without thinking of how hard being a university's student.
I'm back on Sunday, hope I can make it before night comes.
Straight after my last paper, I go to Penang and get back home at 1.00am.
Feel sorry for ayah because he drove from Melaka to Shah Alam and fetch me and straight to Penang and back to Shah Alam back. He spent half of his day in the car. Driving all the way from south to north. I offered him once, twice, thrice..badly, Ibu was there, she was very afraid if others drive the car. Maybe we will drive like teens always do.
Sunday..What did I do on Sunday? Perhaps tidying up the house..Oh, can't remember well.
Monday, got myself in my room watching Grey's Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother. Other than that? Oh, sleeping all day since my house was sparkled by the electric wire. No fan, no light, waiting for my uncle to come and repair.
Tuesday, having an appointment with the person in-charge for the Auditorium and meeting with the sponsors regarding conference hall, exhibition booth and also the dinner hall.
Wednesday, finished up with the backdrop and also poster for gala night since I was being asked to promote Gala Night. Owh, I can't find any caption that may attract people. I posted it in the group, and suddenly comment comes in. People commenting about my poster. I really didn't feel good at this time where I spent half of my days doing things that I wasn't supposed to do it, and suddenly people criticizing on my work. I am mad.
Today, my classmates are going to sit for their last paper at 9am, and I need to go to UiTM early in the morning just to settle all the unsettle things. Also having a meeting at 1pm and followed by my meeting after the grand meeting. Sorry friends, I'm not going to KLCC after the meeting.
Tomorrow, preparing myself for a camping at Kem PLKN Kerling. Its hard for me to keep away from camping because I love recreation things. I miss my school days. I wanna turn the time back so that I can be in my school back. I wanna go camping and have fun all the time without thinking of how hard being a university's student.
I'm back on Sunday, hope I can make it before night comes.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Jalan bersama-samanya sangat indah
Pada suatu hari, nak dijadikan cerita..
Ketika aku sampai sahaja di Multi Level Parking UiTM, aku ternampak sebuah kereta putih (kereta idamanku) sedang mencari tempat untuk memarkir keretanya juga. Banyak kereta pada hari itu dan semuanya sudah memenuhi ruangan kosong yang disediakan. Jadi, aku memarkir di hadapan kereta orang lain sedangkan dia memarkir di tempat yang betul.
Ketika sedang memanjat bukit menara SAAS, aku mendapati yang mereka yang menaiki kereta putih itu juga mengikuti jejak langkah ku untuk ke PTAR. Ku sangkakan yang mereka ingin ke kelas, rupanya tidak. Aku berjalan menaiki tangga PTAR, terdetik juga dihatiku 'Eh, mamat-mamat ni pun belajar kat sini juga ke?' Lalu aku terus menghantar SMS kepada rakanku yang sudah lama berada di PTAR tentang kehadiran mereka. Malang sekali mereka belajar di Aras 3 dan aku di Aras 4.
Setibanya di meja belajar, aku menceritakan tentang pertemuan aku dengan mereka pada rakan-rakanku. Mereka mula-mula tidak mempercayai dan kemudiannya mereka mempercayai sehingga sekarang.
Hahah, ko dah kena tipu ngan aku macip..aku x pernah cakap pon ngan mamat tu..borak pon jauh sekali..cakap dalam mimpi ngan die adalah..heheh..jangan marah yerrr..yang jalan beriringan pun x jugakk..die jalan belakang aku adalah..haha..lepas ni, tukar la tempat, belajar kat tempat lain pula eh..hahahaa..
Ikhlas dari kawan ko yang suke menipu.. =)
Ketika aku sampai sahaja di Multi Level Parking UiTM, aku ternampak sebuah kereta putih (kereta idamanku) sedang mencari tempat untuk memarkir keretanya juga. Banyak kereta pada hari itu dan semuanya sudah memenuhi ruangan kosong yang disediakan. Jadi, aku memarkir di hadapan kereta orang lain sedangkan dia memarkir di tempat yang betul.
Ketika sedang memanjat bukit menara SAAS, aku mendapati yang mereka yang menaiki kereta putih itu juga mengikuti jejak langkah ku untuk ke PTAR. Ku sangkakan yang mereka ingin ke kelas, rupanya tidak. Aku berjalan menaiki tangga PTAR, terdetik juga dihatiku 'Eh, mamat-mamat ni pun belajar kat sini juga ke?' Lalu aku terus menghantar SMS kepada rakanku yang sudah lama berada di PTAR tentang kehadiran mereka. Malang sekali mereka belajar di Aras 3 dan aku di Aras 4.
Setibanya di meja belajar, aku menceritakan tentang pertemuan aku dengan mereka pada rakan-rakanku. Mereka mula-mula tidak mempercayai dan kemudiannya mereka mempercayai sehingga sekarang.
Hahah, ko dah kena tipu ngan aku macip..aku x pernah cakap pon ngan mamat tu..borak pon jauh sekali..cakap dalam mimpi ngan die adalah..heheh..jangan marah yerrr..yang jalan beriringan pun x jugakk..die jalan belakang aku adalah..haha..lepas ni, tukar la tempat, belajar kat tempat lain pula eh..hahahaa..
Ikhlas dari kawan ko yang suke menipu.. =)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Rempah Kari Udang Hitam
Have you ever heard about Rempah Kari Udang Hitam? Itu sebenarnya adalah masakan khas resepiku.
Saturday morning,
I feel like cooking. So, I asked my mum what to cook for breakfast. She said "Jemput-jemput ngan udang ragau taruk cili ngan bawang besar sekali". I mixed up all the ingredients and she fried it. Everyone was enjoyed with the Jemput-jemput Udang Ragau.
After finished breakfast,
Ibu: Apa ibu nak masak harini eh? Angah, awak pandai masak ape eh?
Me: Sambal sardin, sambal udang, sotong kicap reti lah.
Ibu: Tapi semalam dah makan ikan. Masak udang lah.
Me: Udang apa? Kari? Kicap? Sambal? Lemak?
Ibu: Karilah. Awak reti masak tak?
Me: Tak pernah,tapi cara-cara nak buat tau lah.
Ibu: Masukkan sekali kentang nanti. Masak sekali kubis.
Me: Ok!
I cleaned up the table and wash all the dishes and straight away went upstairs to study.
Click! The clock shows sharp at 11. Oh, my little sister. Need to fetch her from tuition centre. Ibu and ayah went out to fixed their house at section 19. After that I started cooking.
The first part was tumis daun kari. Succesful! Bau naik and put in the white and red onion until it smells. After that put in 3 senduk of rempah kari udang babas. Here comes the unexpected part.
Nak kering mcam nak terhangus pulak. tambah la minyak lg. It turns into black. i put water but it didnt help at all. Panic came all over my body. I let it on the stove for couple of minutes. The colour still didnt change at all. So, I decided to throw away the previous one and cook using a new rempah. Luckily the second part of Rempah Kari is Rempah Kari Udang Normal. Yeah, I did it on my own.
Ibu told me, if u are not used to it, try to put the rempah kari in a cup of water first, then you put it in the periuk. Ok! Next time gonna try again. Heheh. Thanx for the useful information.
Saturday morning,
I feel like cooking. So, I asked my mum what to cook for breakfast. She said "Jemput-jemput ngan udang ragau taruk cili ngan bawang besar sekali". I mixed up all the ingredients and she fried it. Everyone was enjoyed with the Jemput-jemput Udang Ragau.
After finished breakfast,
Ibu: Apa ibu nak masak harini eh? Angah, awak pandai masak ape eh?
Me: Sambal sardin, sambal udang, sotong kicap reti lah.
Ibu: Tapi semalam dah makan ikan. Masak udang lah.
Me: Udang apa? Kari? Kicap? Sambal? Lemak?
Ibu: Karilah. Awak reti masak tak?
Me: Tak pernah,tapi cara-cara nak buat tau lah.
Ibu: Masukkan sekali kentang nanti. Masak sekali kubis.
Me: Ok!
I cleaned up the table and wash all the dishes and straight away went upstairs to study.
Click! The clock shows sharp at 11. Oh, my little sister. Need to fetch her from tuition centre. Ibu and ayah went out to fixed their house at section 19. After that I started cooking.
The first part was tumis daun kari. Succesful! Bau naik and put in the white and red onion until it smells. After that put in 3 senduk of rempah kari udang babas. Here comes the unexpected part.
Nak kering mcam nak terhangus pulak. tambah la minyak lg. It turns into black. i put water but it didnt help at all. Panic came all over my body. I let it on the stove for couple of minutes. The colour still didnt change at all. So, I decided to throw away the previous one and cook using a new rempah. Luckily the second part of Rempah Kari is Rempah Kari Udang Normal. Yeah, I did it on my own.
Ibu told me, if u are not used to it, try to put the rempah kari in a cup of water first, then you put it in the periuk. Ok! Next time gonna try again. Heheh. Thanx for the useful information.
Friday, October 15, 2010
jangan jual ikan
Lingkup lah nelayan if i said "Stop selling fishes."
dan kebulur jugak lah orang yang makan ikan.
hilang sumber utama protein.
nanti laut tu dipenuhi oleh ikan je sampai mengalahkan populasi manusia sendiri.
tapi tak lingkup seseorang tu if they STOP BEING SELFISH!
tak salah if u help someone who really needs your help.
It happen rarely.
bukannye bile minta tu mempergunakan.
cuma memerlukan.
Ada ubi ada batas, ada ubi ada balas.
Budi baik dibalas baik, perkara pikir la sendiri...
dan kebulur jugak lah orang yang makan ikan.
hilang sumber utama protein.
nanti laut tu dipenuhi oleh ikan je sampai mengalahkan populasi manusia sendiri.
tapi tak lingkup seseorang tu if they STOP BEING SELFISH!
tak salah if u help someone who really needs your help.
It happen rarely.
bukannye bile minta tu mempergunakan.
cuma memerlukan.
Ada ubi ada batas, ada ubi ada balas.
Budi baik dibalas baik, perkara pikir la sendiri...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
There's the girl wearing telekung
Guess what I'm doing right now? Sitting in front of my laptop and start blogging!! I'm the blogger with my own story. I talked about people sometimes. The girl wearing telekung is me! I'm waiting for Asar actually but it dragged me for almost an hour waiting for Asar. I'm wearing telekung for almost one hour. haha..duduk dalam bilik pun bertutup. bagus betul. haha..
Sedar tak sedar, Syawal just ended and now entering the month of Zulkaedah where muslims started to perform their umrah and haji. same goes to my parents and my youngest sister. They are about to perform their Umrah soon in December leaving the three of us at home.
10am was my company secretarial paper. I think I perform much better than the previous test. I hope to get good carry marks, so that I won't get bad results for this semester. Thanx to sir coz u helped a lot. Hope getting extra marks from you. hehe
now, 4.55 pm, I plan to pray after this and wash my dirty car. Extreme cleaning need to be done but my eyes, half opened. This shows that I am very2 tired. Tonight, no facebook-ing or blogging. focus on the next test. I know I am really teruk in Financial Markets but don't give up girl, u can!
tomorrow, isnin. let us fast ramai-ramai even though Syawal just ended. It is the best diet ever. Drink lots of water during sahur and berbuka. Discipline yourself big fat girl! Oh the best thing about puasa is save money! yeeehooo..can spend on other things that can be part of my long term belongings.
yazid, anis, aizzaty and apis. Off they go to Pyramid menghiburkan apis yang berduka lara. Apis, don't be sad, make sure you earn money when u're working, then u can go to L.A whenever u want. Oh, but don't forget to prepare your visa a month before the actual date. I repeat, a MONTH ok..nanti kena tahan lagi visa tu. To Lzr and Zira, have fun there..Lzr, sampai hati pegi L.A tak reply message aku..sedih tau..maybe orang tu dah beli i-pod touch die kat LA la tu..
Sedar tak sedar, Syawal just ended and now entering the month of Zulkaedah where muslims started to perform their umrah and haji. same goes to my parents and my youngest sister. They are about to perform their Umrah soon in December leaving the three of us at home.
10am was my company secretarial paper. I think I perform much better than the previous test. I hope to get good carry marks, so that I won't get bad results for this semester. Thanx to sir coz u helped a lot. Hope getting extra marks from you. hehe
now, 4.55 pm, I plan to pray after this and wash my dirty car. Extreme cleaning need to be done but my eyes, half opened. This shows that I am very2 tired. Tonight, no facebook-ing or blogging. focus on the next test. I know I am really teruk in Financial Markets but don't give up girl, u can!
tomorrow, isnin. let us fast ramai-ramai even though Syawal just ended. It is the best diet ever. Drink lots of water during sahur and berbuka. Discipline yourself big fat girl! Oh the best thing about puasa is save money! yeeehooo..can spend on other things that can be part of my long term belongings.
yazid, anis, aizzaty and apis. Off they go to Pyramid menghiburkan apis yang berduka lara. Apis, don't be sad, make sure you earn money when u're working, then u can go to L.A whenever u want. Oh, but don't forget to prepare your visa a month before the actual date. I repeat, a MONTH ok..nanti kena tahan lagi visa tu. To Lzr and Zira, have fun there..Lzr, sampai hati pegi L.A tak reply message aku..sedih tau..maybe orang tu dah beli i-pod touch die kat LA la tu..
Thursday, September 30, 2010
cite je ape-ape
Food really sucks. I lose 2kgs in a week due to puasa ganti. but in just 2 days I gain 3 kgs back. Ouh shoot, that is not 3kgs back tp dah terlebih 1 kg lagi.
Here I am sitting in front of my laptop and start on babbling about anything that came up in my mind. I wrote about everything and anything.
Family Gathering really gathered us together where we get closer to each other. Our parents and pak mak sedara look more sweet than before. They are like competing with each other to proof the best and happiest married couple ever.
Today, extremely training with no food being filled up in my stomach since last night. I woke at 5am and I drink half bottle of mineral water and I slept back till the clock shows 6.15am, then I woke myself up and prepare myself for morning classes.
Back at home, while waiting for berbuka time, online to search for the DHL and FEDex address to post alang's things. Jeans with all the foods from Malaysia. The excitements of me to berbuka turns into nothing where I can only eat kurma and kek hati pari. there's nothing left but tomyam. It will take me half an hour to heat the kuah. I don't have much time since I need to rushed. Off to a shop to buy something to eat, then I realised I only bring RM1.30 in my purse. Nothing I can do. Drove my car straight to PADE.
As I reached there,
Abang Bukh asked me to warm up first in the swimming pool for 300m non-stop. Gosh! I know that I have been doing this before but not this time because I don't have any energy to push my strengths out. I cheated by doing 100m, then I stopped, then I continued for another 100m. Nak mengelat punya pasal, I had to swim for 500m. Amek kau, main tipu lg td. haha. I did extra 100m. after that, using the kaki strenghts and tangan remain still for 200m. sakit kaki. then, easy swim for 100m. After that, sprint without breathing for 15m two times. The first one I got 15 seconds and the second sprint only cut for 1 second je. Need more practice on freestyle.
After that plunging and swim direct for 100m. people, calculate now the total that I did for today. 1230meters. really extreme and I feel really exhausted now.
Lapar, makan. Ouh, my raya day tomorrow! I finished with the puasa 6.
Deloitte, here I come to get my offer letter. Oh, really can't wait to read all the requirements and for your information I can't wait any longer to work in corporate world like the others.
Till now, c ya!!!
Here I am sitting in front of my laptop and start on babbling about anything that came up in my mind. I wrote about everything and anything.
Family Gathering really gathered us together where we get closer to each other. Our parents and pak mak sedara look more sweet than before. They are like competing with each other to proof the best and happiest married couple ever.
Today, extremely training with no food being filled up in my stomach since last night. I woke at 5am and I drink half bottle of mineral water and I slept back till the clock shows 6.15am, then I woke myself up and prepare myself for morning classes.
Back at home, while waiting for berbuka time, online to search for the DHL and FEDex address to post alang's things. Jeans with all the foods from Malaysia. The excitements of me to berbuka turns into nothing where I can only eat kurma and kek hati pari. there's nothing left but tomyam. It will take me half an hour to heat the kuah. I don't have much time since I need to rushed. Off to a shop to buy something to eat, then I realised I only bring RM1.30 in my purse. Nothing I can do. Drove my car straight to PADE.
As I reached there,
Abang Bukh asked me to warm up first in the swimming pool for 300m non-stop. Gosh! I know that I have been doing this before but not this time because I don't have any energy to push my strengths out. I cheated by doing 100m, then I stopped, then I continued for another 100m. Nak mengelat punya pasal, I had to swim for 500m. Amek kau, main tipu lg td. haha. I did extra 100m. after that, using the kaki strenghts and tangan remain still for 200m. sakit kaki. then, easy swim for 100m. After that, sprint without breathing for 15m two times. The first one I got 15 seconds and the second sprint only cut for 1 second je. Need more practice on freestyle.
After that plunging and swim direct for 100m. people, calculate now the total that I did for today. 1230meters. really extreme and I feel really exhausted now.
Lapar, makan. Ouh, my raya day tomorrow! I finished with the puasa 6.
Deloitte, here I come to get my offer letter. Oh, really can't wait to read all the requirements and for your information I can't wait any longer to work in corporate world like the others.
Till now, c ya!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
i am so hungry
i am really2 hungry right now. I can't stop myself from eating. having a piece of sardine with half sayur tom yam campur for berbuka makes me full but after 2 hours of training in the swimming pool makes me hungry back. no wonder why those trainers went out for supper after that.
I reached home at 11 and I took an apple. few hours later while i'm doing my assignment suddenly i felt hungry and decided to have a glass of plain water. rite then i took a balang of kacang hijau and ate it. rase macam nak angkut 1 meja bawak naik bilik pun ade. haha. hey, fat girl! don't eat too much! you are in a diet programme. I need to put my aim. gonna win this game. huhu. 7% reduce. fuhh! byk tu but then, swimming doesn't makes me losing weight but building up all the muscles, same goes to cycling. control! aim! aim!
I reached home at 11 and I took an apple. few hours later while i'm doing my assignment suddenly i felt hungry and decided to have a glass of plain water. rite then i took a balang of kacang hijau and ate it. rase macam nak angkut 1 meja bawak naik bilik pun ade. haha. hey, fat girl! don't eat too much! you are in a diet programme. I need to put my aim. gonna win this game. huhu. 7% reduce. fuhh! byk tu but then, swimming doesn't makes me losing weight but building up all the muscles, same goes to cycling. control! aim! aim!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
there's a butterfly in my stomach.
I can feel the nervousness of tomorrows.
Ibu reminded me to read ayat 9 surah yasiin.
This can protect and help me during the interview.
I'm trying my best for tomorrows.
But I think it is better if I didn't come for tomorrow's classes.
Arab's class is important because we still have 2 quizzes, reading test, listening test and writing test to be finished up in 3 weeks. My god, this is crazy..
Far's class wouldn't be a matter to me because we usually did some exercise, so I assume exercise too tomorrow.
Studying all the interview skills and other things.
Done with the portfolio.
Hope I will always be ready.
wish me all the best for tomorrow. =)
Ibu reminded me to read ayat 9 surah yasiin.
This can protect and help me during the interview.
I'm trying my best for tomorrows.
But I think it is better if I didn't come for tomorrow's classes.
Arab's class is important because we still have 2 quizzes, reading test, listening test and writing test to be finished up in 3 weeks. My god, this is crazy..
Far's class wouldn't be a matter to me because we usually did some exercise, so I assume exercise too tomorrow.
Studying all the interview skills and other things.
Done with the portfolio.
Hope I will always be ready.
wish me all the best for tomorrow. =)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
thanks for calling me.. =)
Along: nah ngah tepon
Angah: sape? (i look at the phone and i started to smile cause i was expecting that was the call that i have been waiting for so loooong)
Ms. Lynette: Is this Fatin?
haa...bila die speaking, dah mmg dpt bajet la sape call. lagi2 ngan no depan die start with 03-7xxxxxxx.
She asked me for how long will my duration of internship, and the she asked me whether i can be place to the tax department or not cause the audit department had been fully occupied. This was the most saddest part. I really wanna feel the feel of being an auditor cause i know i won't be an auditor when i work in the real corporate world.
I asked people on the frustrated thing, and certain did agree with the post and some of them, nope! so, i am still thinking..n keep thinking..n can't stop thinking..what shall i do now?
ok, first and foremost I will go for the interview this Monday. A bit scary ade..cause I have two interviews in a day and I think I might need someone to accompany me or should I go alone? the assessment will be at 12.30pm and I need to rush straight away to Damansara Utama for the real interview. Oh, many things need to be learned and studied. I need to know about two companies with two different position. Bear in my mind cause I need to really fall in love with the audit and tax position.
Conclusion : still in dilemma.. =(
Angah: sape? (i look at the phone and i started to smile cause i was expecting that was the call that i have been waiting for so loooong)
Ms. Lynette: Is this Fatin?
haa...bila die speaking, dah mmg dpt bajet la sape call. lagi2 ngan no depan die start with 03-7xxxxxxx.
She asked me for how long will my duration of internship, and the she asked me whether i can be place to the tax department or not cause the audit department had been fully occupied. This was the most saddest part. I really wanna feel the feel of being an auditor cause i know i won't be an auditor when i work in the real corporate world.
I asked people on the frustrated thing, and certain did agree with the post and some of them, nope! so, i am still thinking..n keep thinking..n can't stop thinking..what shall i do now?
ok, first and foremost I will go for the interview this Monday. A bit scary ade..cause I have two interviews in a day and I think I might need someone to accompany me or should I go alone? the assessment will be at 12.30pm and I need to rush straight away to Damansara Utama for the real interview. Oh, many things need to be learned and studied. I need to know about two companies with two different position. Bear in my mind cause I need to really fall in love with the audit and tax position.
Conclusion : still in dilemma.. =(
BIG trouble!
Enough with the sewing thing!
Oh, I can't stop myself from doing that until it is completed.
Big trouble since I haven't started with anything yet.
Assignmentssssss = Never touched!
Interview Assesment = Partly but the reading part, no!
ASC = This is really crap since all the person in-charge on leave. Do come back and work la..
Another ASC = Hunting KL for sponsorship. Can't wait for this Friday. Gotta feel the experience.
Deloitte = more freaking out since they haven't called me for the internship status.
Ok, that were the university part..
for the personal part...
today = still thinking whether nak puasa or not. Yesterday I survived myself fasting alone.
tomorrow = buy ingredients for blueberry & lemon cheese cake.
thursday = off to mak ngah's house for 'adira's' birthday.
saturday = preparing myself for open house.
sunday = gonna scale my weight for the challenge. Cannot lose this game mak andak, abg long, kak lang, huda and aliaa..heheh
Oh, I can't stop myself from doing that until it is completed.
Big trouble since I haven't started with anything yet.
Assignmentssssss = Never touched!
Interview Assesment = Partly but the reading part, no!
ASC = This is really crap since all the person in-charge on leave. Do come back and work la..
Another ASC = Hunting KL for sponsorship. Can't wait for this Friday. Gotta feel the experience.
Deloitte = more freaking out since they haven't called me for the internship status.
Ok, that were the university part..
for the personal part...
today = still thinking whether nak puasa or not. Yesterday I survived myself fasting alone.
tomorrow = buy ingredients for blueberry & lemon cheese cake.
thursday = off to mak ngah's house for 'adira's' birthday.
saturday = preparing myself for open house.
sunday = gonna scale my weight for the challenge. Cannot lose this game mak andak, abg long, kak lang, huda and aliaa..heheh
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
today's diary
Waiting for 'adik' Azizah..
Ok, I called u adik again..hahah..
ur supposed to call me adik ok jijah..
Raya with many2 baju kurung and I don't know which baju kurung should I wear for raya..
It is all green..because our theme for this raya is GREEN!
Alang, I'm trying to sew your baju kurung cause ibu almost retired with the jahit things.
Once I got ur baju ready, then I'll post it to you ok..sabar ye lil sister..hahah..
Sneezing more than 3 times shows that u r having a symptom.
Yes, I am the person that sneeze for trillions time.
tired of that, I can't wake in the morning.
I have flu!! not this time, please..
I shouldn't be NOT well for this raya.
I ate my medicine because I can't stand anymore with the runny nose.
but a pil didnt make me comfortable..
I think I should eat another 2..
Oops! over dose..confirm terbongkang atas katil..
OK, off now! Jijah must be on her way by now..
Here I come IKEA!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
All I can say is pening!
Got stuck in the middle of my life where its really hard to get what u have been expected.
Life really makes me miserable with the miserable of me.
I am really miserable!
Got stuck in the middle of my life where its really hard to get what u have been expected.
Life really makes me miserable with the miserable of me.
I am really miserable!
Friday, August 27, 2010
i'm not doing the checklist like in the beauty and the briefcase but i'm doing the checklist for my weekends. oh, hopefully i can complete it before monday comes.
1. BAB - reading perhaps for quiz (pagi b4 class sempat bc lg..hehe)
2. FAR - read and understand consolidation IS.
3. BEL - OMG! crazy, mock interview..haven't prepared anything yet.
4. QMT - done the past sem Q, text book exercise..say no!
5. MAF - problem Q, get me into the problem too! hate that.
6. CRG - nothing..nak bace mmg jauh sekali.
1. report on kerja amal
2. letter to apply for certs
3. printing out certs (mid term break work)
4. caterer for gala night
5. link message
6. rearrange the tentative
7. quotation for gala night..choosing the best among alternatives
Oh, help me in completing my works..Ameen..
Saturday, August 21, 2010
hey, use my cleanser!

just have a thorough look at my pic. which one present the best?
alal yamin or alal yasir?
the left one is the original cut and the right one is the fake one.
because i edited the right pic.
my face if u look closely u can see the pimples and all the red small things appear on my face.
with my 'cleanser' it all got rub nicely.
none of ur money being spent to have a nice passport pic.
Lemme teach u..
1. open the photoshop software.
2. click on the spot healing icon.
3. hold the alt button and click on the clear and smooth skin of yours
4. click normally on the pimples and messy things.
you will find out that ur pic look very nice and full of satisfying. haha
p/s: actually i got one passport pic but people keep on saying 'gambar mata terbeliak'. thats why i decided to make a new one. it only cost me rm5 for 25 pics. cool aite?
1. open the photoshop software.
2. click on the spot healing icon.
3. hold the alt button and click on the clear and smooth skin of yours
4. click normally on the pimples and messy things.
you will find out that ur pic look very nice and full of satisfying. haha
p/s: actually i got one passport pic but people keep on saying 'gambar mata terbeliak'. thats why i decided to make a new one. it only cost me rm5 for 25 pics. cool aite?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
'iftar' bersama rakan sekolah
everyone must be wondering why i put the 'inverted comma' at iftar words..
my journey today starts as early at 7.15am. i drove to uitm for morning classes. how tired i felt. qmt's class learn something new. 2 cacing kerawit sempat lukis harini. after that far's class. almost 2 hours just finished up the consolidated balance sheet thing. well, we all thought it was a quiz. rupenye preparation for the sunday's test. ok, after class ended, we sat and studied at ptar from 12.30 to 5.00pm gara-gara paper crg today. After that, off we went to pick detol at college and off we go to pas. tula pasal berbaju kurung saya ni. balik rumah pun tak sempat. there, i need to pick up alang's stuff. we reached pas around 6++. While waiting, we went to the bazaar at pkns. we were thinking that we are the last persons because it is already 7.05pm but some of them decided to pray first, then having the 'iftar' at 8.00pm. it turns out that we were the first group reached there. we had our 'iftar' at 9.00pm. supposedly i should be in the masjid at that time performing my tarawih. ok, balik umah pun still can do tarawih on my own. cik zaty sudah gelisah gundah gulana coz there are still many topics need to be covered before the test. 9.45pm we forced ourself to go back first. i send detol n aizzaty back to their places and i reached home sharp 10.30pm. tired but i think i miss talking and having fun with them. cannot think and talk much at that time. crg keeps on playing in my mind as if it was saying "crg...crg...x habis bace lg..jgn bersuke ria byk sgt...". ok, i am not supposed to be hear ber-blogging. I should sit in front of my book and ber-reading.
now, u know why 'iftar' rite? ngeee...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wondering why??
what the heck am I doing right now?
assignments haven't being completed yet..
but dwelling on posting this entry..
"Fatin, Fatin, where are you??"
There, my books just called me..
because I left it open on my bed...
I'm a misery...
with my miserable things...
I have been in this semester for 8 weeks perhaps,
but I'm still searching for myself whether my body or my 'aql come to class..
Ouh, many things need to be covered for tests..
Friday, 20/8 - Company Secretarial Practice
Sunday, 22/8 - Advanced Financial Accounting 2
Wednesday, 25/8 - Financial Markets
TODAY!!! Quantitative Analysis for Management...
Oh, crappppp...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
16 days to go..
Counting days..
not because of raya..
because of this message..
to: Angah
"Alang dpt sume A! Yeay, dpt fly! Alhamdulillah.."
from: Alang
She's going to leave us..
She's really going to leave us..
This raya will be the saddest moment..
Never been apart for ages..
None of us were missing in the raya picture..
neither the family portrait..
Ibu cried yesterday because she was thinking of achik at penang during iftar..
and today she's crying again for alang..
The amount of people in the family began to decrease day by day..
achik in Penang for 3 and a half years InsyaAllah..
alang is going to be in India for 4 and a half years..
long way to go..
I'm wishing you the best Alang!
Hope that you can survive there..
and never ever forget us..
We will always support you..
Come back with a Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry ke..or Bachelor of Dental Surgery ke..ok!
not because of raya..
because of this message..
to: Angah
"Alang dpt sume A! Yeay, dpt fly! Alhamdulillah.."
from: Alang
She's going to leave us..
She's really going to leave us..
This raya will be the saddest moment..
Never been apart for ages..
None of us were missing in the raya picture..
neither the family portrait..
Ibu cried yesterday because she was thinking of achik at penang during iftar..
and today she's crying again for alang..
The amount of people in the family began to decrease day by day..
achik in Penang for 3 and a half years InsyaAllah..
alang is going to be in India for 4 and a half years..
long way to go..
I'm wishing you the best Alang!
Hope that you can survive there..
and never ever forget us..
We will always support you..
Come back with a Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry ke..or Bachelor of Dental Surgery ke..ok!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Malang Day
Hari ni sangat malang bila ada pakcik jaga kaunter kat kolam renang tu nak mengamok tak tentu pasal. Sorry la, kami tak tau la pulak cap tu nak kena pulangkan on time. Selamba ekau je eh ketuk-ketuk pintu changing room kuat-kuat then rempuh masuk bilik air tu sesuka hati. Dah la orang tengah sebok nak tukar baju, ingatkan orang main borak-borak je ke lam bilik air tu? Ni boleh report ni..Hak asasi kemanusiaan dicabul..hahaha.. Aizzaty, u did a great job, pak kal tak kuar byk lg bende ys sopan dan manis utk pak cik tu kan? blacklisted tmpt! after ni tukar swimming pool.
Lagi satu benda mmg salah aku tp jgn la terlalu marah sgt bangg...blind spot marah sampai nak balas dendam an..perempuan je kot..jgn la emo sgt yerr...aku takut la weyhh..ko kejar aku patu ko wat emergency brek pulak kan..seb bek aku sempat brek..x dapat la nak terlanggar kereta ko..hahah...patu ko x puas lg ko baling benda kan..sbb terkena body kereta..kalau terkena cermin, mmg tepuk tgn girang la ko kan..hahah
mesti api kemarahan ko x surut lg kan wahai pemandu iswara xpe laa..aku melarikan diri tanpa menyebabkan kecederaan pada kereta kau sbb aku takut ngan org panas baran cam ko..hahah.BFR dah di blacklisted kan..pas ni kena tukar pakai BFT plk..hahahah
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hoping that the day will come..
Astaghfirullohal'azim...mengucap3x...tarik nafas..turun...
I choose to write here..
I'm trying to cool down my anger...
Oh ibu, hope u can understand me more..pls..i'm begging u...
I'm not like along who's able to speak confidently..
I'm lacking of the skills..
I'm desperate for that...
Joining the committee wasn't a big mistake for me..
I learn lot of things..
I learn how to interact with others..
I have the responsibility to make things happen..
So, please and please and please don't argue this things with me..
I need someone to talk to...please!!!
Aku boleh jadi gila la macam ni!!!!!!
Tolonglah jgn berkira benda-benda mcm ni...
Hope that u are in my shoes, then you'll know how important my jobs are..
and also you'll know how to appreciate your friends and others around you...
Ya Allah, Aku memohon kepada Mu supaya kau lembutkan lah hati ibu ku dan juga Kau buatkanlah dia lebih memahami diriku ini. Aku dah penat jadi anak yang derhaka.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Rumahku Syurgaku
sorang sibuk ngan 'Aku terima nikahnya', yg sorang lg pula denyut kasih medik, yg sorg lg ni pulak..sibuk berblogging..
bahagia di hati takde sape yg tau..setiap hari penuh dengan kesibukan yg terpakse dilakukan..minggu ini,bahgia sgt3x..minggu lepas sibuk dgn bercamping, minggu dpn n dpn nye n dpn nye lg full with activities..
muscle kat tgn dah byk sampai melecet jari2 semua gara2 lemon cheesecake with blueberry topping. memang suffer la kalau takde mesin nak tlg putarkan cream tu ngn akhir skali menjadi..sgt happy..tu la keje di hujung minggu.
baju kurung pun dah siap tp malang skali without kain..3 pairs pulak tu..hadoih...ntah ble la sempat nak bukak kedai jahit ni...
nampaknya along dah kepenatan membaca, die mula memegang tepon nye dan alang pula x sudah2 bercucuk tanam dan memasak 24 hours tanpa henti. yang aku pulak nek pegi layan tgk movie dlm laptop.
khas utk adik lala sempena hari lahir nye yg bakal tiba 9 hari lg tp dah sambut hari ni sekali ngan hari jadi ayah yg dah lepas 9 hari..hahah...adik, jgn bercinton ngn jijim ehh...kecik klu ye pon ok je..sbb jijim tu sgt la comel..hahahh...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
addicted to the bloody blood...
People do have their own habits and so do I...
Actually i'm not that kinda of addicted to the bloody blood donation..
but i'm just feeling it is my responsibility to donate it because i'm healthy..
just so you know i'm really2 healthy. i got my weight over 50 kg.
that shows that i'm very healthy.
i have been experiencing once when my lil brother went into an accident last year.
He reminds me of the importance of donating our own blood.
Seriously, there's no pain in donating ur blood.
Many of them are scared of with the big needle because they only see it but they don't feel it.
Back to my brother's story where he got 2 pines of blood in his body because of the accident.
Even though his body are perfect from being scratched by the road but he still needs 2 pines.
I remind u..2 pines..each person will only donates one pine at a time in 3 months only.
How come with the people who lost their blood?? They will need more and more blood.
Forget about the babbling things because i'm here to babble all the things that came up into my mind but not to keep it until it becomes pickles. My blog will be useless if im not using it.
I have donated my blood three times and there will always have a bit of complications.
I dont know why.
The first time I donated was in August 2009.
That time I was very happy and I came into CTU's class a bit late.
While I'm on may to DK3, suddenly I felt uncomfortable because it happens that my blood cannot reach through my brain. Luckily I came in a bit faster and I was able to sit and relax for a couple of minutes. After that I'm back to normal.
The second time I donated my blood was in March 2010.
This time, the nurse was really sucks.
She can't find my artery.
She switch the big needle here and there 2-3 times.
Suddenly I feel dizzy, luckily she got it early before I vomit.
When they tried to stop the blood, I feel dizzy again.
Luckily the nurse realized it early and get my chair a bit down so that my head will be a bit lower than my feet.
After resting about 20 minutes I feel better and I can walk as usual.
The third time happened today where it was the most scaring part.
The process of getting my blood is very easy.
Maybe because the nurse is an amateur maybe..haha
but it happened to me twice where i need to come for the next day because the hemoglobin in my blood was too low. I ate the medicine they gave me and the next day I come I am able to donate.
No wonder why I always get easily fall asleep in class. Haha..
I need supplement that can increase my hemoglobin!!!
Okayh, after I finished donating, they gave me a rest on the chair but I still feel that I need to lowered down the chair but I didn't speak it out. I just let it be because I think I can survive.
After that I walk to a table and feel dizzy as if I'm going to faint. I sat down and try to be positive. but my positive couldn't catch me. I feel more dizzy and I can't see clearly. The noise became slowly trying to disappear from my ears. I tried to close my eyes but the good girls didn't allow me to do that. She kept on saying to me and she held my hand tightly and she asked me to speak but I can only speak a word at a time. Her friends called a nurse and she get me onto the lazy chair and back there I feel a bit comfortable and I slept for a couple of minutes. About half an hour after that I'm back to normal. I'm OK!
Getting a pine of blood from me is the same as getting two pines of blood from two different peoples. I get them into a waste of time where there will be a shortage of a pine of blood.
I'm coming again next year. Do see me again nurses!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A mountain of dilemma
Friends and Family..which one come first?
which one will you obey?
Friends will say "Jom lah pegi, once in a blue moon je pun. susah kite nak jumpe ramai-ramai selalu".
Your parents "Ala, kalau dah macam tu, x payah pegi la. nape lah wat time bulan puasa? kan susah nak solat. patu tarawih tinggal. ramadhan ni belum tentu akan datang lagi tahun depan."
terkaku dan terkelu lidah dari berkate2..
what i was thinking of is, betul la..belum tentu dapat jumpa next ramadhan but we can do the tarawih after tu kan? doesn't mean that we have to perform it in surau or masjid.
yg menguatkan lagi reason utk bakal x pegi adalah...........(jeng jeng jeng)
buat kat KL. Sorry, i'm so so so so disagree with this. Nak drive x tau jalan, lagi dengan menempuh kesesakan di jalan raya. naik komuter no hal tp kalau dah habis kol 11, cam ni nak naik komuter?? dah tutup la!! tak kan nak menginap pulak kat situ semate2.
guys, can you please consider these things. KL sesak and none of us live nearby there. Shah Alam much better. You won't get lost. If sesat, pusing2 balik jumpa tempat yg same jugak. and more thing ramai menyewa kat shah alam ni. malas balik jauh2 ke..ataupun x cukup lg nak bergosip ke..boleh tumpang tido.
If what I'm blurting out is totally ridiculous, keep on with your plan.I'm quitting.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm happy to have a happy family
Travelling with family is actually making the relationship closer.
Kajian 1 : bercuti di gunung ledang.
kalau sewa 2 bilik utk 1 family sgt berbaloi. why? duduk dlm tu pon utk tido je. tp byk nye x duduk dlm bilik. sekali sekala berkesempitan mcm ikan sardin bagus ape. duduk2 dlm bilik..24hours dengan lawak jenaka. makan same2. sorang masak, sorang kemas, semua orang makan. tak ade marah-marah. gelak je yang ada untuk mengisi masa lapang. makan durian kat area jementah sebab kempunan nye pasal. cuma along je yg tak makan sbb sakit tekak. Aleh2 masuk dalam kete je, sorang sedawa habis bau satu kete. bukak tingkap. dah hilang bau tutup tingkap balik. selang beberapa minit, urrrggg..ade lg yg sedawa. oh tidaaaaakk!! durian lg bau. bukak balik tingkap kete..tutup balik..dalam hotel pon benda yg same happened. sedawa tutup mulut pon 1 bilik leh bau.tu la penangan durian sampai nak kentut pun terpaksa berlari-lari keluar dari bilik.
Kajian 2 : Pulau Pinang
Pegi penang bukan nak bercuti tp nak hantar si pelawak a.k.a bang bil pegi masuk UiTM. dalam kete keje asek wat lawak je. sume pun gelak je manjang. bercerita lah sane sini. orang ni ade girlfriend ngan boyfriend pon sume ibu ayah tau. makan asal same je ngan ade je lawak masing-masing. Achik memang paling sengal dalam family. Sekarang die dah duduk jauh. Ibu mesti terase sbb pak lawak dah takde dlm rumah lg. nmpaknye minah lawak je lah yg ade utk hiburkan family. Ibu sedih gile bila nak balik after hantar die td. Takpe lah, die duduk jauh pun sbb nak pegi menuntut ilmu dan nak jadi org yg berguna. Harapnya die berubah sgt bile dah masuk alam Universiti ni..berubah sikap jadi lebih rajin je. yg part lawak tu perlu dikekalkan.
Kesimpulan : tak boleh marah-marah and kena sentiasa happy dalam family. Kalau marah buat org lain bikin panas je..secara automatik,hilang segala mood happy yg ade.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Mailer Daemon
Butang 'SEND' kat gmail baru je ditekan. Ayat dalam tu memang tunggang langgang. Malas nak fikir lagi asalkan dah hantar. Terlepas satu keje. Dah sebulan kerja tu di bagi nya tapi baru siap sekarang ni. Siapa suruh tak bagi due date. Hahah. Next tugas!! FRESHIES DIGEST!!! Oh tidakk.. Ingatkan dah hantar, rupenye email salah!! tolong lah bagi email yg betul.. =(
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I Wish...
I wish I can be..
a good daughter,
a good sister,
a good student,
and a good Muslim.
a good daughter,
a good sister,
a good student,
and a good Muslim.
a good daughter: I wish that my tongue will get stuck if I want to blurt out the words "ah or hurmm". I wish I can only said "boleh aje, no prob!". Ibu, you are the queen of my heart and ayah, you are my hero!
a good sister: tired of being a bad sister towards my eldest sister. Wish I can be nice to her all the time till the end of my life. No more arguing and misunderstanding between us. Hope to be a good listener towards my youngest sister. Pity her for having a sister like me.
a good student: 110% attention in class without sleeping and get good grades that will satisfied the lecturers.
a good Muslim: never ever late in performing Solah and never ever and ever and ever fail in reciting Quran and doa every single day.
a good sister: tired of being a bad sister towards my eldest sister. Wish I can be nice to her all the time till the end of my life. No more arguing and misunderstanding between us. Hope to be a good listener towards my youngest sister. Pity her for having a sister like me.
a good student: 110% attention in class without sleeping and get good grades that will satisfied the lecturers.
a good Muslim: never ever late in performing Solah and never ever and ever and ever fail in reciting Quran and doa every single day.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Semester break
"hooraaay!!!" -----> that was the first sentence came out from students who finished all the papers. So do I. The painful of studying is over for the semester. No matter how hard it was, everybody will shout out loud the hooray words.
What comes in their mind after the 'hooray'??
1. Movie!!!
2. Party!!!
3. Shopping!!! (ouh, ini tidak mungkin sbb ramai yg dah menghabiskan duit mereka di awal sem)
4. Online!!!
5. Tido!!!
Perhaps you can guess more things to be done during the semester break. Ouh, mine was number 3. Right after I finished the last paper on Saturday which is Corporate Finance paper, I straight entered into my dad's car and off we go to Pyramid. Even though the paper was really hard, but all I can say was "dah habis dah, malas nak pikir, asal jangan fail dah." Suprised me that I didn't even used a cent of my money to buy things there but using my two little sepet eyes to capture things that I aim. Shopping sometimes need no money. You have great eyes to just window shopping. It is actually good because you tend to have a good exercise by walking without spending any money on it. In a way, you might be a healthy person but remember not to eat fast food. Shooh, or else it will destroy the 'free' exercise you take. =)
Ouh semester break is a heaven break!! I love that too!! I am a kind of person that can't sit alone by doing nothing. I must find something to do either working to fill up my pocket or doing intersession to fill up my brain. or else I will keep on saying 'Mati kebosanan' or 'Mati kebuntuan' or any thing starts with 'mati' and end with 'an'. It can be 'Mati ketak tauan'. eh, ade ke? ok, perhaps not to follow. It is not in the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. When it comes at the middle of the semester break, often I heard people saying "Haa, tak tau nak wat ape...BOSAN gile!!!". Hey, there's a lot of things to be done outside there. Come on laa, wake up!! Go and have some fun. I really hate the word 'BOSAN'.
Now, I'm in the middle of my intersession. Got 7 days more to complete all the PBL presentations and also another 2 tests. Maybe for some person, they feel it is burdening but for me, I enjoy much the intersession because of the lecturer. Oh my, she's so caring and funny. I love her and I'll make sure that I won't dissapoint her. If you are a lecturer, and you have give all of it to your students, what did you expect from them? Of course the good results that shows they really understand it. Isn't it? But there are portions of students that they can't get good marks even though they have put their full effort. The important thing is 'be honest'. Never ever cheat in your exam. Once you get caught by the lecturer, it might be a bad label on your head. It happened in our class this morning while sitting for the Test 1. It was unbelievable when the lecturer said to one of the girl, "You can pack all your belongings now and go back home. Leave all your papers on the desk." I was shocked at that time and hope that it won't happen again for the second time. I'm afraid that the lecturer will behave badly towards others. Praise to God that she acts professionally by not mixing the girl's problem with her teaching mood to the innocent.
One of my friend said that the girl brought notes in point form that was being printed out. I don't know how far the truths is but I learn something to day.
EFFORT IS THE KEY TO --------------------------------------->>
What comes in their mind after the 'hooray'??
1. Movie!!!
2. Party!!!
3. Shopping!!! (ouh, ini tidak mungkin sbb ramai yg dah menghabiskan duit mereka di awal sem)
4. Online!!!
5. Tido!!!
Perhaps you can guess more things to be done during the semester break. Ouh, mine was number 3. Right after I finished the last paper on Saturday which is Corporate Finance paper, I straight entered into my dad's car and off we go to Pyramid. Even though the paper was really hard, but all I can say was "dah habis dah, malas nak pikir, asal jangan fail dah." Suprised me that I didn't even used a cent of my money to buy things there but using my two little sepet eyes to capture things that I aim. Shopping sometimes need no money. You have great eyes to just window shopping. It is actually good because you tend to have a good exercise by walking without spending any money on it. In a way, you might be a healthy person but remember not to eat fast food. Shooh, or else it will destroy the 'free' exercise you take. =)
Ouh semester break is a heaven break!! I love that too!! I am a kind of person that can't sit alone by doing nothing. I must find something to do either working to fill up my pocket or doing intersession to fill up my brain. or else I will keep on saying 'Mati kebosanan' or 'Mati kebuntuan' or any thing starts with 'mati' and end with 'an'. It can be 'Mati ketak tauan'. eh, ade ke? ok, perhaps not to follow. It is not in the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. When it comes at the middle of the semester break, often I heard people saying "Haa, tak tau nak wat ape...BOSAN gile!!!". Hey, there's a lot of things to be done outside there. Come on laa, wake up!! Go and have some fun. I really hate the word 'BOSAN'.
Now, I'm in the middle of my intersession. Got 7 days more to complete all the PBL presentations and also another 2 tests. Maybe for some person, they feel it is burdening but for me, I enjoy much the intersession because of the lecturer. Oh my, she's so caring and funny. I love her and I'll make sure that I won't dissapoint her. If you are a lecturer, and you have give all of it to your students, what did you expect from them? Of course the good results that shows they really understand it. Isn't it? But there are portions of students that they can't get good marks even though they have put their full effort. The important thing is 'be honest'. Never ever cheat in your exam. Once you get caught by the lecturer, it might be a bad label on your head. It happened in our class this morning while sitting for the Test 1. It was unbelievable when the lecturer said to one of the girl, "You can pack all your belongings now and go back home. Leave all your papers on the desk." I was shocked at that time and hope that it won't happen again for the second time. I'm afraid that the lecturer will behave badly towards others. Praise to God that she acts professionally by not mixing the girl's problem with her teaching mood to the innocent.
One of my friend said that the girl brought notes in point form that was being printed out. I don't know how far the truths is but I learn something to day.
One more thing, the licik guys at the back class, beware! You guys are superb when you che
at by copying straight from the desktop.

EFFORT IS THE KEY TO --------------------------------------->>
Sunday, May 30, 2010
si pemalas
test 1 is around the corner.
only 9 hours left.
still online.
not well prepared.
what do you expect?
stop online!!!
go and memorize all the facts!!
succeed will come if there is effort.
remember that!!!
only 9 hours left.
still online.
not well prepared.
what do you expect?
stop online!!!
go and memorize all the facts!!
succeed will come if there is effort.
remember that!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Signs
What should we do if a men showed us the 4 signs below?
1. Shyness
Fact: Some guys are not brave enough to show their true feelings.
Reason: They are scared if we turn them down.
Belief: The way the guy communicates by the soft tone and their politeness.
Our respond: Encourage them to be more talkative by asking nonsense questions.
2. Caring
Fact: A guy who falls in love with us will become more thoughtful and caring.
Reason: to show us that they care and concern about us.
Belief: They will send text messages from time to time just to make sure that we are OK.
Our respond: Reply their messages back hours later and reject their calls.
3. Helpful
Fact: They appear to be helpful and supportive.
Reason: They want us to feel that they are the one for us to rely on whenever we need.
Belief: They will try to understand even though they can't understand well enough.
Our respond: Create a story that is metaphor even though the problem is just a piece of cake.
4. A sweet gentleman
Fact: Start of with sweet talks and his sweet actions as well.
Reason: to make us happy as if we are the queen of their heart.
Belief: They will be the very first person to send us a morning message and the last person of the day to give us sweet good night messages before we go to bed.
Our respond: A simple Hi for them in the morning and pretending that we have gone to bed early.
Should we follow the above responds?
YES if the guy did not confirmed you any relationship status.
NO if the guy really said that he is in the process of getting to know you.
1. Shyness
Fact: Some guys are not brave enough to show their true feelings.
Reason: They are scared if we turn them down.
Belief: The way the guy communicates by the soft tone and their politeness.
Our respond: Encourage them to be more talkative by asking nonsense questions.
2. Caring
Fact: A guy who falls in love with us will become more thoughtful and caring.
Reason: to show us that they care and concern about us.
Belief: They will send text messages from time to time just to make sure that we are OK.
Our respond: Reply their messages back hours later and reject their calls.
3. Helpful
Fact: They appear to be helpful and supportive.
Reason: They want us to feel that they are the one for us to rely on whenever we need.
Belief: They will try to understand even though they can't understand well enough.
Our respond: Create a story that is metaphor even though the problem is just a piece of cake.
4. A sweet gentleman
Fact: Start of with sweet talks and his sweet actions as well.
Reason: to make us happy as if we are the queen of their heart.
Belief: They will be the very first person to send us a morning message and the last person of the day to give us sweet good night messages before we go to bed.
Our respond: A simple Hi for them in the morning and pretending that we have gone to bed early.
Should we follow the above responds?
YES if the guy did not confirmed you any relationship status.
NO if the guy really said that he is in the process of getting to know you.
Friday, May 14, 2010
merajuk betul-betul pulak die
aku ngaku aku cakap *toot* kat die,
tapi tak sangka pulak die amek serius gile ape yang aku cakap.
benda kecik je kott, tak yah la nak bengang-bengang sampai nak bunuh diri.
Aku lagi terseksa macam nak bunuh diri tau tak.
tapi kena ingat jugak, Allah itu masih ada.
Apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya.
weyy, bile la die ni nak berbaik ngan aku.
kalau aku dah kaya mesti die suke kan?
memori aku ngan die dah tak ade lagi.
semuanya dah terkubur.
tu lah orang cakap..
telajak perahu boleh diundur,
telajak kata buruk padahnya.
die pon ade otak boleh berfikir.
pesanan aku buat si dia:
selama-lama ko tengah koma ni,
tidur and rest la lelame eh.
aku tak kan kacau ko sekarang walaupun time aku exam dulu aku selalu abaikan ko.
nanti aku kumpul duet bebanyak aku bayarkan kos rawatan ko eh.
Aku tak suke la ko lumpuh cam ni.
Seb bek doktor kate ko lumpuh memori je.
Kalau lumpuh banyak memang aku tak de duet la nak bayar operation ko.
Say bubbye je la, aku carik yang lain.
hahah. kejam ke aku?
hihih. aku memang pentingkan diri sendiri pon.
demi kebaikan aku dan ko.
tapi tak sangka pulak die amek serius gile ape yang aku cakap.
benda kecik je kott, tak yah la nak bengang-bengang sampai nak bunuh diri.
Aku lagi terseksa macam nak bunuh diri tau tak.
tapi kena ingat jugak, Allah itu masih ada.
Apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya.
weyy, bile la die ni nak berbaik ngan aku.
kalau aku dah kaya mesti die suke kan?
memori aku ngan die dah tak ade lagi.
semuanya dah terkubur.
tu lah orang cakap..
telajak perahu boleh diundur,
telajak kata buruk padahnya.
die pon ade otak boleh berfikir.
pesanan aku buat si dia:
selama-lama ko tengah koma ni,
tidur and rest la lelame eh.
aku tak kan kacau ko sekarang walaupun time aku exam dulu aku selalu abaikan ko.
nanti aku kumpul duet bebanyak aku bayarkan kos rawatan ko eh.
Aku tak suke la ko lumpuh cam ni.
Seb bek doktor kate ko lumpuh memori je.
Kalau lumpuh banyak memang aku tak de duet la nak bayar operation ko.
Say bubbye je la, aku carik yang lain.
hahah. kejam ke aku?
hihih. aku memang pentingkan diri sendiri pon.
demi kebaikan aku dan ko.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
hai awak!!
ouh, sudah lama lah tidak menulis ape2..
sebabkan penyakit M datang and penyakit B datang.
Baru je habis paper tengahari semalam.
perasaan gembira tak terkata sentiasa menyelubungi diri.
Lepas habis exam pegi pyramid.
Pelan asal : tengok movie ngan ika
Tapi, tetiba kena teman adik yg seorang tu membeli belah.
Konon dapat lah nak pau kasut lee cooper dpd ibu.
aleh-aleh size tak de,ntah-ntah ibu pun cakap lam hati 'ouh, lega duet aku x kuar'. kalau dpt best ou. comel.
memule ibu offer, konon jual mahal la.
tapi hati tak tertahan nak jugak sebenarnya.
yay! baju zoo dah dapat.
100++ selamat dapat mesej zoo negara.
ade lagi puluh2 mesej yg perlu dihantar.
moga-moga semua orang dapat mesej tu.
cuti seminggu ni fully booked betul.
090510 - nak pegi carboot sale, bertapa kat menara
100510 - ni masa yg ditunggu-tunggu oleh die lah
110510 - zoo negara, here we come!
120510 - teman along pi interview koje.
130510 - free!
140510 - free!
150510 - barbecue aka reU.
160510 - free!
170510 - dah start kelas!!
ok, free tu pon actually tak de lah free sgt pon.
still ade aim! aim untuk menambahkan koleksi baju kurung utk next sem!!
ouh, serononya. 5 pasang menanti. mampu ke? hahah
sebabkan penyakit M datang and penyakit B datang.
Baru je habis paper tengahari semalam.
perasaan gembira tak terkata sentiasa menyelubungi diri.
Lepas habis exam pegi pyramid.
Pelan asal : tengok movie ngan ika
Tapi, tetiba kena teman adik yg seorang tu membeli belah.
Konon dapat lah nak pau kasut lee cooper dpd ibu.
aleh-aleh size tak de,ntah-ntah ibu pun cakap lam hati 'ouh, lega duet aku x kuar'. kalau dpt best ou. comel.
memule ibu offer, konon jual mahal la.
tapi hati tak tertahan nak jugak sebenarnya.
yay! baju zoo dah dapat.
100++ selamat dapat mesej zoo negara.
ade lagi puluh2 mesej yg perlu dihantar.
moga-moga semua orang dapat mesej tu.
cuti seminggu ni fully booked betul.
090510 - nak pegi carboot sale, bertapa kat menara
100510 - ni masa yg ditunggu-tunggu oleh die lah
110510 - zoo negara, here we come!
120510 - teman along pi interview koje.
130510 - free!
140510 - free!
150510 - barbecue aka reU.
160510 - free!
170510 - dah start kelas!!
ok, free tu pon actually tak de lah free sgt pon.
still ade aim! aim untuk menambahkan koleksi baju kurung utk next sem!!
ouh, serononya. 5 pasang menanti. mampu ke? hahah
Saturday, March 6, 2010
burnt down
ok, cycling sejauh 7km pon tak sepenat hari ni. bukannye lari ke ape ke..berjalan dibawah gurun sahara sahaja tetapi dah penat gile tak terkate. and tak lupe terbakar muke dan tanganku. ibu suruh pakai hape ke bende tah tapi malas nak carik snanye. die kate kalau tak pakai nanti tumbuh pigment. opening ceremony of coz la pegi kan tapi closing ceremony say bubbye je laa..hahha.. penat gile tak terkate. once dah soh balik memang balik terus. hahah. eventhough at first memang a bit difficult for us to communicate well with abaccs n smf, but we had tried our best. memang byk problems and percanggahan. bile aku cakap, sebok orang laen pon nak jugak cakap. mungkin nampak sangat kabotla jugak tadi but the best part was mengene kan fifi and ina. memang mantap la tapi aku jugak yang terpalit. kitorang ade remaining belon air dicampur bersama sirap. bende tu kitorang baling kat fifi sbb saje kene kan die as mpp fac and ina pulak coz birthday die. lepas dah basah ngan air sirap dicampur pula dengan tepung yang dicampur tepung kentucky, tepung gandum and tepung jagung. padanla muke korang. beskan kene?? hahah. ok, the romantic part pulak bile main war game individual. time orang tengah sebok berperang meletopkan belon orang lain di kaki dan sebok menjage belon masing-masing daripada diletopkan, tibe-tibe kuar pemancut air kat seluruh padang. memang habis basah semua orang atas padang tu. it wasn't in the plan but it was cool actually. korang from UKM, PTSB, PUO and UUM harap korang happy. tak ketinggalan group from uitm. ktorang sorry gle coz de kesilapan technical kat group korang. memang bersalah gle rasenye. ok lupe nak bg tau. activity pg td smp ke ptg was 12th micpa accountancy week. =) to aizzaty, sorry ye pg td. tu r..ko mesti bengang gle mantap ngan ak, tp ak terase cam nak buat hal pagi tadi ngan ko..haha..
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hari Suke-suke AFTAS

25th February was really a great day. Joining bowling wasn't that bad. Mentang2 group aku menang. Asal cakap best je laa..hahah.. group got 441 marks for the first round but then it decreased to 330+ in the second round. Our group made to the final. and we won! Actually i'm not the one contributing loads of marks for my group but Naj, Yan and Nazreen did the best.
I don't know why I can't drag the photos anywhere. Geram. So, I let it be on the top of this post. The first N is Naj and at the bottom is Nazreen. Mine was T and I stands for Izyan. the marks on the left tu group loser! hahah..takde laa..that one group mama..mama!! Azim, Lzr, Ayu n Ayin.
Naj and Yan got the best player for men and women. No wonder why my group boleh menang coz we have 2 great players here. Deorang main pun ade style punyaaa.. Aku pulak p baling kat tengah2 macam nak pecahkan lantai boling tu je..hahah...
Sebaik sahaja pulang dari Ole-ole 18 kesengalan mula terasa di seluruh tangan kanan. Until now the pain still terase and the happiness will stay longer forever.
Still seek for the next activities for our batch. =D Got ideas?? go tell them..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
oh, banyak kerja!
I thought being in the committee for Accountancy Week is a simple task but then I started realized that its a bit burdening. Haha, no other ways to pull myself out from this situation. Gotta face it.
Starting from today..oh, banyak kerja..
24/2 - Dahla baru balik dari meeting MICPA tadi ni, reached home at 9.15pm
25/2 - Tomorrow ade Hari Bersuke Rie AFTAS 07/07, bakal balik lambat lg..
26/2 - The day after tomorrow, balik kampung.
28/2 - Kenduri utk atok n mak tok nak g umrah, & umah pak andak lagi kene pegi..
Common tests
1/3 Monday, 10.15am - AIS510
2/3 Tuesday, 10.15am - MAF620
4/3 Thursday, 10.15am - TAX490
5/3 Friday, 10.15am - FAR430
Have to and must struggle. Ok, bring ur books back to Melaka. Nothing to do at kampung melainkan reading and doing revision.
Rite after habis exam on Friday need to rush to prepare all the stuff for Accountancy Week coz on the 6th March Accountancy Week!! I'm handling the Telematch activities with several more committees.
8th-11th March - Guess what?? English Week!!!
13th March - Dinner Watikah Pelantikan. Theme: Corporate style.
14th March - Sunway Lagoon!!! Hari bersuke rie bersame all committee of AFTAS.
19th March - Tidy up AFTAS Room.
Ok, for 3 weeks I'm going to have a bz and hectic weeks. I need car!! I have to go to class on my own after this. Gotta some project work too to be completed. Oh, ibu and ayah. Hope you can undestand me well. See my schedule. Hectic kan?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Expect nothing..
Life wasn't that happy all the time.
It's just like a wheel.
Sometimes u r on the top,
and sometimes u r down to earth.
Sitting in the bathroom for half an hour thinking what to write on this blog.
Many things came through my mind but then I have to think first before I wrote or else it will be a disaster.
I agree with the statement that people never have enough in their life.
Same like me.
I feel bored when I'm alone and I need crowd,
but then when there are crowd I feel like being alone.
Actually I don't want to be alone but I feel like being alienated.
Ok, think positively.
think positive.
Positive thinking.
Ouh, they forgot about me,
Maybe because I'm shrinking.
Doing cycling every evening for at least 20 mins?
This is just a dream.
This is just a dream.
When I ask for an outing,
there will be many reasons given by them
when others ask for an outing,
the answer will be YES!
Ok, I'm the weirdo.
Very very weird.
People can't expect my mood.
Oh, no wonder why.
I forgot to use my daily bottle.
I love the statement most...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Daku sgt gumbira!!!
Its been a long time where I demanding for new baju kurungsssss. I got mine yesterday at Mid. Happy!!! Ibu gave us RM400 to spend on buying the kain. Actually it is for the coming Hari Raya but then I took the opportunity to buy mine skli.
Ibu provide us with 1 baju kurung for Hari Raya and another 1 for daily classes. I took 4 pasang!! Hahah. I don't know why I'm in love with cotton. We spent only RM330.30 but then mine worth RM150. Bayangkan the total of RM330.30 for the 4 of us but then I took half of it. Then, I decided paying only RM50 back. Kind of mcm tanak org lain bising laa.. If I were to be in their place pon mcm bengang kott..amek melebih2 gle.
2 pairs utk Hari Raya. The one before, that we decided to sew for Hari Raya dah leh jd baju kurung for daily classes. Bayangkan, sikit beli baju kurung jadikan baju Hari Raya, at last jahit dulu dah. hahah. ni semua pasal ibu la coz she bought a new batik or sutera for RM350. Orang ade duet sendiri boleh la kan ibu kan? If la ibu offer to buy me the batik sutera worth RM350, awal2 dah tolak. Why? because I don't want luxury things. I can get RM350 at Kamdar or Nagoya for more than 10 pairs and why should I get one only. Tak worth it kan utk student?? Ok, tadi tu budget corner..heheh.
Last night I got one of my kain cut. Ibu cakap, she wants me to see how the right techniques to sew baju kurung this evening and now I don't know who is going to be missing this evening. I think I'm the one coz I have a lil stuff to be done maybe at Pyramid. Maybe not planning for a movie to watch. Along dah ajak ngan semangatnye ke Pasar Rabu at Seksyen 7. Entah hape la yang die semangat tu.
Okayh, this coming raya won't be a great raya. Bakal miss Alang so much and much and much where she will be celebrating her raya in India. Alang, eventhough it is pain to accept it, but then you have to be tough once you were there kayh. You've never been away from ur family for a long period of time. If la I'm the one who were being offered to go there, Ibu and ayah must not worried much. Alang tak pernah dok asrama betul2. Kalau orang pon risau jugak tp tak pe lah, nasib baik ade adik ipar kitorang yang leh jage kan alang kat sane kan?? hehehhe... =)
I will always pray the best for you even awak suke marah orang time orang lupe teknik yg betul main rubic cube. =P
Monday, February 15, 2010
This is for real!!!!
Ibu reluctant to sew my clothes, then I decided to sew it on my own. No class, and this is the result. Damn ruined. For sure no one's gonna buy my baju kurung even if i sell it for RM10. Okay, anyway, its a good thing for me to explore something new to me. Sewing is not an easy part where if you got to sew the wrong side, then you have to open back and sew it once again. Trying is the first step for u to be better. It my fault to for trying on a chiffon material. Next time i will choose cotton! Yay! I love cotton. Mmmuuaaaahhhhxxx!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Rindunye pada mu....
It's been a long time I didn't update my blog.
Staying in Muar for 3 days gave me a wonderful and precious moment.
I went back to Lzr's village called Kampung Serom 2, Sungai Mati. Betul ke nie? kalau salah tak pe la kan. Hahaha... I went around the village. There, I have a look at Aizzaty's village. It is very near to Lzr's house. Aizzaty, kalau pas nie ko x singgah umah Lzr time raya, memang laa..dekat gle umah die ngn umah datuk ko..hahah.
The next day we went to Tanjung with Along's car. Oooops! Correction. Abang kpd Lzr. Ckp p'kataan Along nnt kene bhn lg. Seb bek abg die mcm garang. So, x de la byk ckp. Lzr introduced me with the rojak petis muar and abc. Abc sane hai hao je..rojak petis timun die pahit skt tp Mee bandung muar i bet must be wonderful gle. Cume x b'kesempatan nk mkn. Kuih siput mule2 mcm biase but then bile blk s.alm mcm t'ngiang-ngiang pulak. Means that kuih siput tu HEN HAO! hahah..we took few pictures at Tanjung.
Off we go to Pak Andak's house in Tanjung. We thought off going for Mee Bandung Muar after visiting Pak Andak's family. Aleh2. mlm da kol 9 and we had our dinner yg dimasak oleh Pak Andak. Jadi, dah terkenyang. Balik2 je tdo.
The next morning rite after suboh prayer merempit with lzr. This time I took a snap of her house senyap2. tp of course la die dgr bunyi my camera yg bising2 tu..hahah..well, da curik pon dulu. semate-mate utk org yg kg nye dkt serom 2 juge..hahhah.
10.30am bertolak from Muar back to Shah Alam. Thanks Lzr for the nice moment n thanks to Uncle yg peramah and the whole family too. InsyaAllah ade umur yg panjang akan ku lawati Serom 2 lagi. =)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I'm just a waitress
What am I waiting for?
Who am I waiting for?
Why am I waiting for?
Why am I waiting for?
All these questions keep on stacking in my mind.
What should I do??
Just sit back and wait..
Till then I become a waitresssssssss
Half of my eyes opened.
Still got things to be revised.
and only God knows how tired I am.
and how ngantok I am now!!!
Medicine: Tdo!!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
When I say no
It still a no when I say no.
Nothing can change my decision until there is a good reasons.
Don't ever do things I hate.
Because I still stick on my decision.
Don't do things that annoyed me.
Because it really make me more and more annoyed.
I'm not pretty like the angel.
Find somebody else that is more pretty.
I'm just a woman that will hurt others feelings.
Before it become worsen, better stay back.
A step forward may destroy the friendship we have.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
aaaaaaaa!!!!!!! pimples!!!!
Oh pimples!! I love u MUCH!! Oh, its a painful word. See that pimples on my face. I can't bear it anymore. It grows and grows and grows and yet I don't know when will it reduce. I thought the redness of the pimples are not obvious but then, when I took a picture of myself I can see many and many and many pimps. Serves you right!! Hahahah..I'm not focusing on this lil kid but I concerned more bout my PRETTY face. Hahah. Fatin, do take care of your face la!! Its horrible you k

I am not really into my pimps actually. It is just because I was very shocked with my face where I didnt' realised at all it became worsen. Change topic please! This lil girl. Cute kan? See her when she ate popcorn. If there is any popcorn competition, I really wanna participate in by putting this picture. See carefully...
Comel kan? This time, we went out to Pyramid with Mak Andak comel and her daughters. We went there to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2!!
Chippets was great! I bet you won't regret buying this movie tickets. Why am I promoting it now? Ah! Kodi sungguh kamu. Tak pelah. For those yg blum watch this movie lg, go and grab the CD. Oops! I mean DVD. Lupe orang dah tak pakai CD lagi. Hahah. Hey, c'mon la tgk budak comel nie. Comel kan die mkn popcorn? After watching this movie, we called her chippets sbb mcm chippets yg comel tu. I forgot her name la. Si gemok pendek yg padan dgn Theodore tu. Mak andak, I'm still waiting for the next school holiday, then you can treat us some more movies with popcorns!!! hahah.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Betul lah kate orang hubungan adik beradik ni bagai air dicincang takkan putus. Mungkin seorang tiada tidaklah begitu terase kesunyiannya tetapi bile 3 orang pergi memang terase kesunyiannya.
Since last year i'm practicing my daily life to UiTM with ayah. I don't want to burden anyone else by demanding a car. Alhamdulillah, I can adapt with my new way of life. Now, I have more time to study. Watching television still part of my routine which I will and must watch Akasia slot. After Maghrib, I went upstairs and start doing all things that are not related with my studies, then I start to study after Isya'.
Maybe this is the best way to stay me focus on my studies without doing merepek things.
In this empty house just left Ibu, Ayah, Adik and me only. Along now is staying at Commercial Centre while Alang is in KTT. Both of them are in their final semester of studies. Both of you, I pray you guys for the best. Hope you will success. Me, myself living in a big room that supposed to be 3 gadis cun but now i'm the only one gadis cun left in this big room. Achik, he seems very happy with his life now. He's now entering the CIDB at Section 27. Haih kamu..seronok ye dapat lepak slalu kat luar skarang. I wish you all the best outside there. Don't be too happy and aggressive Achik. Take care of yourself and always remember to pray. Jangan hyper jugak. Kaki tu masih berbesi yerrr...
Love you all...mmuuuaaahhhhxxxx!!!!!
Ikhlas from angah yg degil and x suke dengar ckp ;)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
lagu oh lagu
i love the songs in the drama of Cinta Balqis..
i've found the singer and the song but why can't i just get it..urghh!!! why is it so difficult for me to get the lyrics and the songs..
just now baru search lagi..tapi nothing found..
sape dapat dulu lagu azad jazmin suara rindu tu sila lah beritahu eh..
kempunan nak dengar!!!!!!! oh tidaaaaaaaaak!!
FYI, azad jazmin tu rupenye ray si jahat tu..tak sangke upenye die yang nyanyi kan??!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
little pin pin
i bet u don't know what is pin pin aite? lemme tell u guys..nuha pronounced it as pin pin because she thinks people will understand even without the u and i in front of pin pin..hahah..this lil girl is very smart and banyak akal. Pronounced empat die pon jadi ompat which she mix the bahasa nogoghi and bahase slangor..hahah..

She dreams of having a birthday cake on her 2nd birthday this year, so I made her two chocolate cakes with upin ipin topping.
the first one is a bit messy where it was the first cake i decorated and the other one looks a bit nice. if u see the first cake deeply i wrote her name using the coloured rice cake. I decided not to put anything on top of the other cake, so I let them be simple.
Haih,Nuha..Nuha..bijak nye ekau eh..baru 2 thn umor..wait for us ye budak kecil bijak pandai. We're coming to Mak Tok's house at 2.30pm..
A big thanks to yana for helping me on the cadbury topping. =)
69 chocolates with varieties filling done by me and along early this morning. Few of it i'll bring to class for my beloved friends. Wait naaa...lg2 ika n lzr yg x sbr2 nk rse chocolate i..hahah
Friday, January 8, 2010
Honey,Dear..oh manisnye di mulutmu itu..
welcome back fatin filzah...
i've been dead for quite a long time..
i'm back with a new me in a new year..
i wish it wasn't too late for me to wish a happy new year to all my beloved friends and also those who knew me..
i just wondering and keep on thinking why is it so easy for a guy to express the so called sweet panggilan to an opposite gender without having a special relationship with them??
for me, sometimes it is sweet and sometimes it is like..'yek, ape kehal mamat nie??'
let say, if u don't have any special relationship with them yet you are a so-so with them or just the kenalan lame, what would u do or react if they use the panggilan manja??
u spoke out directly?
or u just ignore because thats the nature of a men?
or u reply it back with the same panggilan?
from my opinion, those who have the relationship will take it seriously..i mean they really mean it about the saying honey or wtv but if they don't, i think they were just playing around with the girls. don't you??
oh men, please bear in your mind, don't play with these words because it really2 meant for your beloved. i won't hate and i don't hate guys talking to me with these words but just don't do it because it annoys me a lot.
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