Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hoping that the day will come..

Astaghfirullohal'azim...mengucap3x...tarik nafas..turun...

I choose to write here..

I'm trying to cool down my anger...

Oh ibu, hope u can understand me more..pls..i'm begging u...

I'm not like along who's able to speak confidently..

I'm lacking of the skills..

I'm desperate for that...

Joining the committee wasn't a big mistake for me..

I learn lot of things..

I learn how to interact with others..

I have the responsibility to make things happen..

So, please and please and please don't argue this things with me..

I need someone to talk to...please!!!

Aku boleh jadi gila la macam ni!!!!!!

Tolonglah jgn berkira benda-benda mcm ni...

Hope that u are in my shoes, then you'll know how important my jobs are..

and also you'll know how to appreciate your friends and others around you...

Ya Allah, Aku memohon kepada Mu supaya kau lembutkan lah hati ibu ku dan juga Kau buatkanlah dia lebih memahami diriku ini. Aku dah penat jadi anak yang derhaka.

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