Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My bunch-it stomach

i've been working in the faculty of accoutancy for 3 consecutive days where my main task is eating and eating and eating until my stomach now get bunc now. luckily i've been doing the sit up every night before bed time stories.hahah..kurang la still bunc..hahhah...

Faculty ni mmg kaya ngn food la senang cte. Everyday, there will be non-stop events being handled by the faculty either for the internal programs nor the external programs. Usually they serve for morning break, then lunch and tea break. You can see how fat I am now. Nanti mak dara ngan anak dara pun orang dah tak reti beza. hahah. hasilnye hujung tahun ni. tunggu....

half past 2 already but i didn't have any work to do. See, i've told you that I did nothing here. Just waiting for the coordinator or boss senang cite bagi kerja. Marks for the finals sedang di key in and I'm the one who keyed in the marks. Sadly, its for postgraduate students. Talking about marks too, I saw several papers for FAR500 marked by Dr Am. FAR500 for part 6 students kan? kire ok la..i didn't tell anyone. hahah. I've met also Pn. Aliza and Pn. Rosni today and yesterday. Guys, mereka dah habis tanda our papers. Pn. Aliza said "OK!". but i don't know how far ok Pn. Aliza tu. Pagi tadi pulak terjumpa Pn. Rosni dekat admin level 12. Guess what she's doing?? Key in markah kite tau. Kalau lah mate ni jahat, memang dah curik tengok lame dah tau. hehe. No wonder la why Pn. Shima doesn't allow accounting students doing their SKP in the same faculty. Glad I got the job because I'm not working in the undergraduate office. But, pagi tadi memang mantap betul la where I entered 'Bilik Pertukaran Skrip'. Lecturers kept their completed script in that bilik kebal tau. Haih, bile-bile mase nak wat dajal nie boleh.

Kak Rosni yang staff admin siswazah nie pulak gatal borak ngan kawan nye pasal nak pegi swimming pool. Aduih. Teliur dengar nak g swimming pool. Tengokla nanti, satu hari nanti nak pulun pegi mandi pool puas-puas. Disamping itu dapat menyelim kan perut yang bunc nie..hahahh.

TTFN. out for zuhur prayer. nanti terkantoi ngan Dr. Am pulak coz I'm using her PC. =)

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