Thursday, November 12, 2009

Feel the bad moments

Cause I had a bad day,
I'm taking one down,
I sing a sad song just to turn it around,
I say I don't know,
I tell you don't lie,
I work on a smile and I go for a ride.
I had a bad day,
the camera don't lie,
I'm coming back down and I really don't mind,
I had a bad day,
I had a bad day.
I really had a bad day today where....
Am I supposed to express everything?
I think so, this one will help me calm down.
Still can't forget the moments where I was in primary school. Usually this primary school students like to have their own biodata book where all their friends biodata was compiled in a book, so that it will be last forever and never being deleted. But for me, I do not believe in it since the biodata book has been dissapeared for years.
What was the common questions being asked by them? "apakah memori paling sedih pernah awak alami?" ataupun "kenangan pahit yang pernah awak lalui." Not to forget too, sometimes english school teachers like to gave homework on an essay title "Unforgettable moments", or "The most bad experience you ever had in your life". Mine wasn't that bad until 12/11/2009 came.
  1. I asked my mom for a picnic. She said "NO" if the place were Pantai.
  2. I went out with my 'ntah' friend, there I'm not happy at all because the answer is always 'NTAH'.
  3. I missed two trains at KL Sentral because the train were fully extremely occupied.
  4. Sitting in the train where the electricity down for twice. (Sempat main Roman time nie..hahah)
  5. Texting people on Celcom but there's no reply because the message were pending and yet Celcom having problem of network coverage. (tak de gune pon, text org Maxis pon x b'reply. Conclusion: x yah ade hp.)
  6. Waiting Along to pick me up at the Batu 3 station for almost an hour.
  7. Reached home at 10 o'clock which I supposed to be home at 6pm.
  8. My eyes getting red and having headache because i felt asleep with contact lenses stick in my eyes.

I'm really2 having bad day for today. One way I did in managing my stress was getting the social support from my friends. There, I talked to them because I need someone to talk to. I can't bear all my problems alone. I'm just not that type of person that keep on silence as long as they want and make people uneasy and guilty with them. I cried for couple of minutes. There, all my problems gone. Now, I'm happy!!! Happy and happy and happy...lalalalalalalalala...


Yanamalasnaklogin said...

Apa jadik laa??

cazaryna said...

fatin,apasal kronik sngt niii?? next time dok umh tgk korea je ok? lol

fatinfilzah said...

yana: mungkin die ade problem die t'sndri yg dsbbkn i or org sdey la..i thought its going to be fun..aleh2 ksdhn je..

caza: sgt kronik caza!!! tp haritu je...skang da ok.. =D snow queen hilang..nk tgk cte tu..skang nga ain mk tgk 1 litre of tears..