Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jangan postpone pahala kita

Baitul Muslim, an event organized by One Heart Creative Solution was a wow event. Rugi siapa tak pergi and those who were in the waiting list. Next time, bear in mind, cepat-cepat booking k. Don't wait for others. If they don't wanna go, no matter how just proceed alone sebab nanti kalau mati pun kubur and amal tak share kan?

What comes to your mind when I say Baitul Muslim? Haaa..I bet everyone mesti cakap "sesuai untuk orang yang nak kahwin". Yupp memang betul pun tapi kalau orang yang belum ade pasangan join pun bertambah-tambah bagus. Why? cause they can start to build their Islamic life first. Tak ada lah orang kate dah terhantuk baru nak tengadah.

A friend of mine making an assumption that I'm just accompanying my sister to the event cause she's getting married soon. Totally wrong. I was the one who wants her to go there too cause I find it important for her to have a balance life, so that she can manage her family well. Having super duper Islamic kids. Everything you do, please please and please fikirkan balik niat dan tujuan. Hanya untuk yang Esa.

I do gain a lot that day. Tipu la kalau tak tido kan. hehe. sorry la for those yang pakai slides, saya mengantuk la..hehe..Speakers mostly mantap-mantap. Memang hebat lah input deorang.

All I can say my journey to have an Islamic family starts from now. Pray that Allah will always guide me and those who willing to learn Islam more to the right path. I'm still in the learning process to improve myself to be a better muslimah.

Previously, when I read stories about Nikah, I can't really understand why a waraq man always mentioned that she married a woman because of Allah. Now, I know better. I want a husband in my life because of Allah. I want to have a perfect life in Jannah. Dunya is a temporary life to test humans, same goes to human love especially before Nikah. Sungguh tak tipu, kesedaran semakin meningkat bila baca this article -->

Sincerely, I don't really like those yang berkahwin atas alasan nak elak maksiat. Itu adalah salah satu kelebihan berkahwin bukan sebab-sebab berkahwin. The only asset for woman to be in Jannah is marry. Marry to someone with an aim memperjuangkan Islam.

Ok, jom sama-sama mengelamun kejap. selama-lama single ni, kadang kala on and off je kan Qiam. If dah kahwin, each other boleh kejutkan bangun and sama-sama Qiam. Tambah pahala. Aurat wanita pula, tak semua orang mampu betul-betul tutup tapi kalau dah sayangkan suami mesti sanggup tutupkan. See, dosa berkurang dah. Then tarbiyyah kepada anak-anak. Pahala tau. Ni mesti ramai yg dah tau. Didik anak-anak betul-betul ikut cara Islam so that when they grown up, they always remember their FIRST teachers (parents) and for sure with all the love given, they won't forget to always pray for their loves.

See, banyakkan kelebihan berkahwin. Jangan mudah terpedaya bila orang cakap, "Enjoy la life dulu, rugi kahwin awal." Hurmmm rugi lagi kahwin lambat rasanya sbb pahala tu pun nanti kene postpone jugak. Nak enjoy2 nanti tunggu kat syurga la. Apa macam? Jom start collect pahala!

Minta maaf andai terkasar bahasa. Apa yang baik itu semuanya datang dari Allah s.w.t dan yang buruk itu atas kelemahan diri saya sendiri.


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