Saturday, December 19, 2009


Why people just can't understand how to treat others nicely?? They watched and are watching a lot of motivation series but yet they can't take into consideration what the motivator talks. They want their son and daughters to watch motivation shows and all the forums but they didn't do. Macam ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan, padahal die sendiri pon.....

Do talk nicely la if you want to. I'm just taking a nap after my long sleep. If you want us to tidy up the house just said it nicely. We will do it with an open hearted. You know, you are ruining my whole day. I'm getting moody just because of you nagging in the morning. I'm really not in the good mood where I throw my lappy. Alhamdulillah it is still ok where the proof is, I'm using it to wote this.

She always said "ha, tula pasal nape result teruk, belajar bagai nak rak tapi sebab tak berkat tu la" ERGH!!!! Can you stop talking about my result?? Its you who where not blessing me. Deep in your heart you want me to success. I've tried to change to be a good daughter as you want and why can't you do the same thing as I do. You said I'm stubborn and always resist you. That's because I want to stand on the truth. Takpela..Aku ni seperti menegakkan benang yang basah sahaja.

You always said that I'm better from the others when it comes to 'kerajinan'. I'm willing to send my sister for tuition, swimming, and .... Why can't you just look at me from the good side. Nobody is perfect in this world. Kalau nak keluar ngan kawan pon jadi masalah jugak where you are reluctant to let us go unless if I'm outing with my siblings. 24hours asek ngan sibs je. Bagi la chance sekali sekali ngan member.

Now, I keep my mouth zip. If you want to nag, just nag as much as you want until you are tired of nagging and nagging and nagging! Apa yang boleh buat kau puas hati adalah mendiamkan diriku ini tanpa berbunyi sedecit pon dan angkat kaki chiao. Kalau ko bebel lagi aku buat bilik ni cam bilik sewa.


zaty said...

mak kau xde blog kee?
kag die bce kag
haaaaaa,xseram kee?

fatinfilzah said... ak suke stu bende ak x cte kt ko..bpk ak da de fb..hahaahhah

zaty said...

bpak ko de fb?
haaaa,kag die dpt detect blog ko niee haa!