I think I was influenced by this girl ------->>>
Look at her face properly. Guess how old is she?? 17 years babe. The baby is hers. I really can't believe it. She has been through her daily school with her fat tummy. Amazing! I've never found such a young mother in this new era. Her baby is just 2 months. Respect la kat ko ika. I first met her when I went to Janda Baik yesterday with the ARI's staffs and also the RA's.
Reading novels or watching dramas also may get me influenced a lot. Nur Kasih was the most happy story ever. There, lots of lesson I learned. Now, I'm reading a novel written by Aisya Sofea called Adam and Hawa. Hawa was just 20 year old and waiting for her university's application results, married to Adam who is 27 year old, working as a pilot. Lagi sekali perempuan kahwin muda.
Which one do you prefer most?? kahwin muda or di penghujung 20an ??
kawen lambat kowt.. hee.. =) Awal sgt cam ssh je.. tp thinking of it in another way is dat maybe lau kawen awal xp.. but xnk anak awal.. lau da ada anak xleh enjoy da.. lau xd anak leh honeymoon lme2.. hehe.. so, I dint mind getting married awal as long as u dont have to have baby awal.. hehe..
haaa..i totally agree with u ija..i nak hidup berdue ngn die smp i da bosan, bru nak ade org lain lam fmly...tp parents slalu mngharapkn cpt kn??
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